
Grant me this...

I think I am going to get into the charitable foundation business. I can't believe how much money is available for organizations who want to make a difference. It makes me wonder why more people don't do it...Don't we all want to make a difference?

Step 1: Figure out how to get a grant.

I remembered some things my mom thought were really funny when we were kids. One was this bumper sticker which was on the bulletin board in my kitchen for as far back as I can remember. It read: "People who think they know it all really annoy those of us that do". This statement was burned into my brain, three times a day, seven days a week for about ten years. Explains a lot...

The other was a placard she had on the window of her car. It was shaped like those, once famous, 'baby on board' signs. Except, the one on our car said: 'nobody on board'. That is silly, but it still makes me laugh. Moms had a pretty good sense of humor, all things considered.

Con tranquilidad...

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